Friends Never Forget Friends
Memorials by ROLDA
When you create a memorial fundraiser to honor a loved one, you’re not only honoring the memory of your beloved pet, you’re spreading the word and getting others involved in the cause that matters to you!
Or you can also honor the memory of a loved pet or person by making a memorial donation directly to ROLDA using the form on this page.
A true friend is someone that inspires you, that stays with you when you need him the most, that makes you a better person, someone that continues to live in your heart after he is no longer physically among us. The bond created with a true friend is indestructible but sometimes, we fear that time is our worst “enemy” as we try to capture the voice, the gestures and the image of our lost friend for as long as possible.
Some of the special moments spent with a true friend will remain graved in our memories for as long as it will last, some are too personal to be shared.
However, sharing memories of special animal companions or friends with others can help us heal and guarantee that their love is never forgotten.
Love knows no bounds, and true friends come in many forms. You can create a page for a dog, cat, other animal, or human who was a true friend.
Each memorial page honors a special animal or human and gives you the chance to make a unique memorial gift. After you create your page, it will immediately be available online. You can then access the Memorial Center to customize your memorial and share it by social media or by e-mails to your friends and family.
If you need help creating your memorial or making a donation, please e-mail your questions to
Creating a memorial it’s easy
Sign Up
Create an account on our platfrom, it only takes a few minutes to complete.
Create your page
Setup a fundraiser page to honor the memory of a loved pet or person.
Share your page
Share your page on social media or email and ivnvide your friends to donate.
Send a free ROLDA e-card
Your Greatness Is Not What You Have, It’s What You Give!