Frequently asked questions
Does it cost anything to make an online memorial?
No. Friends Never Forget Friends online Memorials are free. Memorial gifts of any amount are appreciated.
Who can I contact for help with creating my online memorial?
If you need help, please contact us at!
What information do I need in order to create a memorial?
You’ll need the following information:
● The name of the animal or human you are memorializing;
● A story about and photo of your true friend (both are optional.);
● Your name, e-mail address, and street address;
Do you send thank-you e-mails to people who make gifts to my memorial?
Yes. We send a thank-you e-mail to anyone who makes an online gift to your memorial. We also encourage you to send personal thank-you messages.
What information should I put in the obituary for donations in lieu of flowers?
In lieu of flowers, please send contributions to your local ROLDA branch or make a gift online!
You can write a check and send it to any of these addresses listed here.
ROLDA bank accounts are opened in Romania, the UK, Australia, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway. Please find details here.
Please contact us at for the US bank account details or if you have a question.